Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Twilight Book - Complte Twilight Book Series
Download The Book For Free!
Twilight is a series of vampire-based fantasy/romance/horror novels by American author Stephenie Meyer. It follows the adventures of Isabella Swan, a teenager who moves to Forks, Washington and finds her life turned upside-down when she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.
The series is currently one of the most popular books written for young adults, with 50 million copies sold worldwide and over 7.7 million copies sold in the U.S. alone. The series has been translated into over 20 different languages around the world.
Film Adaptation: A screenplay for Twilight was written by Melissa Rosenberg and has been adapted into a film by Summit Entertainment
. The film is being directed by Catherine Hardwicke, with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in the leading roles of Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen, respectively. It is set to be released on November 21, 2008.
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Complete Twilight Book Series
Stephenie Meyer - The Twilight SagaTwilight is a series of vampire-based fantasy/romance/horror novels by American author Stephenie Meyer. It follows the adventures of Isabella Swan, a teenager who moves to Forks, Washington and finds her life turned upside-down when she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.
The series is currently one of the most popular books written for young adults, with 50 million copies sold worldwide and over 7.7 million copies sold in the U.S. alone. The series has been translated into over 20 different languages around the world.
Film Adaptation: A screenplay for Twilight was written by Melissa Rosenberg and has been adapted into a film by Summit Entertainment

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Twilight Party Ideas For Halloween, Birthday and Movie Parties
Edward Cullen and the rest of the vampires in the Cullen Family along with Bella Swan have created quite a "Twilight Storm" across the fact in many countries around the world. Twilight has even created a new party theme of the same name. Twilight party ideas are hot! Whether it's for a birthday, Valentine's Day, or Halloween...a Twilight party is the way to go.
The Stephanie Meyer's books have created quite a stir around Forks, Washington and the rest of the world. With over 40 million books sold in 40 countries Twilight is the Tween/Teen hit of the year. The second book in the Twilight Saga...New going to be filmed this year and is due for a Nov. 2009 release date. This should keep the momentum moving right along at a brisk pace.
The cast of the New Moon Movie is still not decided and all us Twihards wait with breathless anticipation to see who else will join Dakota Fanning, who was cast as the Volturi Vampire, Jane. Noor Seear has been cast as Heidi and Caius will be played by Jamie Campbell-Bower. Several of the Werewolves have been cast too. The Quileute Wolf Pack will be played in part by Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman.
With the release of the Twilight DVD a couple months ago, our Twi-obssession was sated for awhile...but once again,we need our Twilight fix, and right now, there's not much to keep us in good supply other than the casting leaks from New Moon.
Look for a rush of Twilight movie parties in the near future, along with Trivia games and then come October look again for the Twilight Halloween Party Ideas to rear their little heads again. This is a great Halloween party theme since it has both Werewolves and Vampires, both good and bad...two of our favorite Halloween monster types!
The Twilight Saga has everything we mere humans get passionate about...The Undead, The bad Undead vs. The good Undead. The sensitive undead...the forbidden unstoppable romance between the undead and the living...there's even a love triangle! Take all the battles from within the star struck teen lovers to the outside influences that shape their daily lives...and you've got a hit on your hands. It's a phenomena that isn't often seen, and when it is, you've got to stop and appreciate it.
The amount of web sites that have sprung up to shower kudos on Twilight is uncountable. There are forums, reviews and even cake decorating ideas for this topic.
Even if you don't understand what the big deal is, you have to admit that author Stephanie Meyer has started something. We all just have to wait now and see where it ends. If it ends. And I, like every other Obsessed Twilight Fan, hopes it never does!
The Stephanie Meyer's books have created quite a stir around Forks, Washington and the rest of the world. With over 40 million books sold in 40 countries Twilight is the Tween/Teen hit of the year. The second book in the Twilight Saga...New going to be filmed this year and is due for a Nov. 2009 release date. This should keep the momentum moving right along at a brisk pace.
The cast of the New Moon Movie is still not decided and all us Twihards wait with breathless anticipation to see who else will join Dakota Fanning, who was cast as the Volturi Vampire, Jane. Noor Seear has been cast as Heidi and Caius will be played by Jamie Campbell-Bower. Several of the Werewolves have been cast too. The Quileute Wolf Pack will be played in part by Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman.
With the release of the Twilight DVD a couple months ago, our Twi-obssession was sated for awhile...but once again,we need our Twilight fix, and right now, there's not much to keep us in good supply other than the casting leaks from New Moon.
Look for a rush of Twilight movie parties in the near future, along with Trivia games and then come October look again for the Twilight Halloween Party Ideas to rear their little heads again. This is a great Halloween party theme since it has both Werewolves and Vampires, both good and bad...two of our favorite Halloween monster types!
The Twilight Saga has everything we mere humans get passionate about...The Undead, The bad Undead vs. The good Undead. The sensitive undead...the forbidden unstoppable romance between the undead and the living...there's even a love triangle! Take all the battles from within the star struck teen lovers to the outside influences that shape their daily lives...and you've got a hit on your hands. It's a phenomena that isn't often seen, and when it is, you've got to stop and appreciate it.
The amount of web sites that have sprung up to shower kudos on Twilight is uncountable. There are forums, reviews and even cake decorating ideas for this topic.
Even if you don't understand what the big deal is, you have to admit that author Stephanie Meyer has started something. We all just have to wait now and see where it ends. If it ends. And I, like every other Obsessed Twilight Fan, hopes it never does!
Retrieved from
Monday, May 3, 2010
'Twilight's Stephenie Meyer Gives Fans Novella; Makes Progress On 'The Host'

Because the producers used their own money, they were not hostage to choosing the flavor of the moment, but rather the right guy. Schwartz said the search went like this: “We asked Stephenie what her favorite science fiction movies were, and one of them was Gattaca,” he sald. “We spent time with Andrew, listened to his vision, introduced Andrew to Stephenie and she responded. There is very good chemistry in this group. Stephenie is a very smart collaborator, and she had an intuitive strong hunch he would be the right guy. Based on the script we’ve seen, we think she was right. We’re thinking this will be shot in early 2011.” They haven’t gone out for production financing—they might put together a cast first and come to the table with a complete package. But Meyer is a viable brand because of Twilight, and based on the incessant inquiries by distributors, Schwartz doesn’t think they will have trouble. “We are budgeting right now,” he said.
The Host is a love story set in the near future, when the Earth has been overrun by benevolent alien parasites that call themselves “souls” and take over the consciousness of humans. The book is about a “soul” called Wanderer, which fuses with a dying woman named Melanie Stryder, bent on discovering the whereabouts of the last pocket of surviving humans. Wanderer, a veteran assimilator, struggles with the dogged determination of the woman to retain her identity and values.
Fan Made Eclipse Poster
Here are some more Fan Made Eclipse posters.
If you find an Eclipse poster you think is cool send it to me and I’ll add it to the list.
Please make sure you send me the link to the artist though where you found it so I can give proper credit to the artist.
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Walmart New Moon Release Party - New Moon Dvd Release Party 2010
The New Moon Official Release Date is March 20th. This is the official date. We've confirmed with the West Sacramento Walmart that they'll be having this party, complete with cake! They are expecting lots of Twilight fans to show up for the release.
If you have a desire to meet the writers of "Twilight" then you better attend tonight's Wal-Mart "New Moon" release party where all big stars of New Moon will come. The "New Moon" release party is being arranged by The Wal-Mart in an order to release the movie in DVD format, officially. So, who will come at party? Almost…everyone. All Twilight Sagas' stars from Princeton to Santa Clarita will come besides, a large number of fans are also expected to come and there they will have big fun and enjoyment because they will be provided with a chance to watch the movie free of cost.New Moon was directed by Chris Weitz and produced by Mark Morgan and Wyck Godfrey. Official soundtrack for the movie has also been released and it is being said that the soundtrack will win the award for Best Soundtrack of the Year as it gives fans a big pleasure while listening.
Walmart New Moon Release Party 2010. At 12:01am on March 20th, that's few hours from now, Twilight saga: New Moon is set to be released on DVD.
You can witness the New Moon Release Date Party on Walmart. This became a big news to all the fans of New Moon. It is at midnight of March 20, 2010 that the New Moon will be officially released.
Watch Walmart New Moon Release Party Online
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(ArticlesBase SC #2018486)
How to Interpret the New Moon Eclipse
There are lessons and important trade-offs that take place during an Eclipse. The most important object to have is an accurate birth chart. One of the many distinctions Astrologers have is the orb they use in any given aspect. In my experience Eclipses have been intensely active at 3 degrees. Other Astrologers may opt for 5 degrees or more. It is a matter of personal technique as to which one will work better for you.
Another observation to make is the house the Eclipse occupies. The sign location and its quadruplicity and element are very significant. If in a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), the action is to attack the problem head-on. If the Eclipse is in a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you are reluctant to make changes and try to adapt to the crisis. If in a Mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), you immediately try to pretend there is no crisis.
The element of the sign designs the fabric of the Eclipse. If in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the emphasis is a personal challenge. If in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), this Eclipse will be a physical one dealing with things. If in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a crisis involves the intellect. If in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), the crisis is emotional and involves feelings.
Now that you know what to expect from the sign and elements, let’s look at the house polarity of the Eclipse as that is also an excellent way to understand what dynamic is taking place.
If the Eclipse takes place in the First or Seventh House, it speaks to the need for an individual identity (1st house) and the polarity suggests that to gain this identity you must also be willing to give recognition (7th house) to others. The exchange being, “ I will accept you for who you are if you will accept me in the same way.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Second or Eighth House, it speaks to the need someone has for tangible possessions (2nd house) and the desire to share in the possessions of others (8th house). The exchange being, “ I will give you something I can do for you if you will give me something in return just as valuable to you.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Third or Ninth House, it speaks to the need to have freedom to exchange concepts, ideas (3rd house), in order to obtain greater knowledge and wisdom. The exchange becomes, “ Let’s share our thoughts and ideas for in the end, we will both be free.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Fourth or Tenth House, it speaks to the need for personal security (4th house) and how to achieve personal power (10th house). The exchange is, “How much of your personal security will you give up to achieve personal power?”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Fifth or Eleventh House, it speak to the need to exchange intangible commodities, such as, like love, vacations, children (5th house), and our desire for romance and attainment of our goals (11th house). The exchange is, “Love me and I will love you.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Sixth or Twelfth House, it speaks of service to others (6th house) and what we can expect in return (12th house). The exchange declares, “Care for me and I will care for you.”
Throughout this article I have given you the basics that you need to interpret any New Moon Eclipse.
Another observation to make is the house the Eclipse occupies. The sign location and its quadruplicity and element are very significant. If in a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), the action is to attack the problem head-on. If the Eclipse is in a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you are reluctant to make changes and try to adapt to the crisis. If in a Mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), you immediately try to pretend there is no crisis.
The element of the sign designs the fabric of the Eclipse. If in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the emphasis is a personal challenge. If in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), this Eclipse will be a physical one dealing with things. If in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a crisis involves the intellect. If in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), the crisis is emotional and involves feelings.
Now that you know what to expect from the sign and elements, let’s look at the house polarity of the Eclipse as that is also an excellent way to understand what dynamic is taking place.
If the Eclipse takes place in the First or Seventh House, it speaks to the need for an individual identity (1st house) and the polarity suggests that to gain this identity you must also be willing to give recognition (7th house) to others. The exchange being, “ I will accept you for who you are if you will accept me in the same way.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Second or Eighth House, it speaks to the need someone has for tangible possessions (2nd house) and the desire to share in the possessions of others (8th house). The exchange being, “ I will give you something I can do for you if you will give me something in return just as valuable to you.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Third or Ninth House, it speaks to the need to have freedom to exchange concepts, ideas (3rd house), in order to obtain greater knowledge and wisdom. The exchange becomes, “ Let’s share our thoughts and ideas for in the end, we will both be free.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Fourth or Tenth House, it speaks to the need for personal security (4th house) and how to achieve personal power (10th house). The exchange is, “How much of your personal security will you give up to achieve personal power?”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Fifth or Eleventh House, it speak to the need to exchange intangible commodities, such as, like love, vacations, children (5th house), and our desire for romance and attainment of our goals (11th house). The exchange is, “Love me and I will love you.”
If the Eclipse takes place in the Sixth or Twelfth House, it speaks of service to others (6th house) and what we can expect in return (12th house). The exchange declares, “Care for me and I will care for you.”
Throughout this article I have given you the basics that you need to interpret any New Moon Eclipse.
(ArticlesBase SC #497341)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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